No one in this world does not know about network marketing or most familiar of NETWORKING or MULTI LEVEL MARKETING. Many of us who has an idea about this kind of business we know this as recruitment of people or down lines. If you may ask me about this kind of business I would like to be honest that I hate this kind of business because the person who will earn this for those who have knowledge of recruitment. Know one earned millions of MLM business for those new blood of this kind of business.
For you to be able to earn for this kind of business first you must have and sponsor and be sure that your company has stable products and stability of the company especially the people behind the company means the owner has credibility. If the person who invites you for this kind of business has many experiences and came from different kinds of company be careful because they called us gunky.
You may ask me who really earns for this kind of business? The answer is the owner and the manufacturer. They used networker and word of mouth advertisement to easy deliver there products to the target consumer. Network marketing is the secret of multi billion dollar man and big time businessman using the LEVERAGE MARKETING. Means duplicating of the time and effort of the owner without him in his/ her business or even doing some other thing.
No one school in this world will teach you how earn money using leverage marketing a side from studying in good or private schools and after stying is to find secure jobs.
You can read books of different advices of Network Marketing and you can watch video from Robert Kiyosaki.
Many of us especially those victims of pyramiding or they call it scam are they cursing about this kind of business. Guys for your information pyramiding is not illegal. If you can notice in every nation there is a President or Prime minister means they are at the top only one then down to his or her vice President to the rest. In every organizational same structure or even in every family. If you may ask how does it happen that this kind of organization turns to scam. If you join an organization then you pay and the value of your money is not equivalent to 70% guy it's a scam. Next you need to recruit people that will join to makes you earn it's another type of networking. But not all of network marketing are illegal because there are some direct selling company that you will not pay for membership but will pay for the kit, I.D. or minimal for the brochure.
In this kind of business you needs to be persistence and perseverance with dedication and you must enjoy on what you are doing. In network marketing business or more familiar with networking one the company beyond with 4-5 years guy they are in the stage of break even. But some company are facing problem they called it over pay for those who are using binary. While in uni-level the person who is in the top is enjoying the rebates and other benefit while those new recruit or new member are still searching or looking in every rural areas to find new recruit because there uplines earning royalty and they let you see there check or even cars, house and there dream vacations.
For this kind of business you must have good Good, Learning, Listing, Attitude and Discipline (GLLAD). For this kind of business you it does not need for what kind of education you have because you needs to follow for those who are in the top. I have some tips for this business
"Let me tell you about an incredible ground-level business opportunity," and you are invited to a house or to lunch for "a discussion." Funny enough, you feel sick in your gut that there is some hidden agenda or deception. "Probably a multi-level marketing (MLM) organization,". A tutorial on market saturation hardly seems necessary in most business discussions, but with MLM, unfortunately, it is. Common sense seems to get suspended when considering if MLMs are viable, even theoretically, as a profitable means of distribution for all parties involved. This suspension is created by a heightened expectation of "easy money,"
MLM can no longer claim to be new and, thus, exempt from the normal rules of the market and the way goods and services are sold. They have been tried and, for the most part, have failed. Some have been miserable failures in spite of offering excellent products.
Marketing innovations are not rare in the modern world, as evidenced by the success of Wal-Mart, which found a more efficient and profitable way to distribute goods and services than the status quo, providing lasting value to stockholders, employees, distributors, and consumers. But this is not the case with any MLM to date, and after 25 years of failed attempts, it is time to point out the reasons why.
Good luck and once you have an experience either negative or positive take it in to posive side because it's gives you anothere learning experience.
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